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Fellow Procurement Adventurers®

We're on a mission to position Procurement at the centre of every businesses. Specifically to:

  • Raise the profile of procurement

  • Demonstrate the amazing value it can bring

  • Share procurement top tips and ideas

  • Attract new people to our brilliant profession

  • Put forward ideas for how procurement can transition to the future

Procurement Adventurers may or may not travel to far flung places. But a couple of thing are for sure: they’re passionate about procurement and they're experts in their field.

Procurement Adventurers®

Dan Plimmer
Procurement Adventurer®

Elodie Chavagneux
Procurement Adventurer®

Mark McHugh
Procurement Adventurer®

Daniela Rocco

Procurement Adventurer®

Angela Pryce
Procurement Adventurer®

Rupert Gaster

Procurement Adventurer®

Amanda Winterflood
Procurement Adventurer®

Claire Storm-Phillips

Procurement Adventurer®

Sam Rose

Procurement Adventurer®

Matt McDonald

Procurement Adventurer®

Josh Beth

Procurement Adventurer®

Lucas Urbano

Procurement Adventurer®

Serena Haines
Procurement Adventurer®

David Letipichia
Procurement Adventurer®

Cameron Holder
Procurement Adventurer®

John Taylor
Procurement Adventurer®

Another legendary Procurement Adventurer will be sharing their story soon

Coming Soon
The next Procurement Adventurer® fact, quite a few more Procurement Legends

Coming Soon
The next Procurement Adventurer®

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