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Procurement at the core

True sustainable sourcing

Amazing sustainable value

Procurement delivers incredible value to a business

but there are a number of fundamental issues...

Procurement is often at the behest of revenue generating functions like Sales & Marketing. Cost savings are seldom great enough. Products and materials will turn up if the business shouts loud enough. And as for sustainability – surely our suppliers can fix it for us? As a result of this, too many procurement teams feel over-whelmed and under appreciated.

The great news is that it doesn't need to be like this  


With 20 years procurement experience I can empathise with how you feel.  I’ve helped many businesses in this predicament use simple techniques to deliver incredible sustainable procurement.  By putting procurement at the heart of their business I've shown them how to deliver amazing sustainable value that stands the test of time and is simultaneously good for the planet.

And now I'm ready to help you

Get started
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I'm Simon Frost, founder of Frost Procurement Adventurer

When it comes to the way I work, my ethos is simple. I don’t just deliver the fish - I also teach people how to catch them. In this way I’ll lock the skills we learn into the DNA of your business ensuring continued benefits well into the future.


I don’t do dull. I don’t use complex jargon or claim phoney cost savings.


I do energy, adventure, hard work and excellent results.


Now I’m ready to help you with your adventure:

Contact me to discuss your adventure

The Plan

3-5 parts


I offer procurement consultancy in the following areas:

Supply Security

Strategic Category Management

True Sustainability

Training & Coaching

Cost Optimisation

Private Equity Due Diligence

Companies I've helped

What people say

"Simon drove forwards the innovation agenda, with passion, insight and purpose.  My only regret is to not have been able to convince him to stay with the organisation on a permanent basis."

Paul Gardner, Vice President Food Procurement, Danone

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